The Singapore Gaelic Cubs train bright and early on Saturday mornings in SJII. (See Training for location details.)
The sessions begin with an introduction to Hurling at 9am for 30 minutes with Gaelic Football from 9:30am. Each week, training culminates at 11am, with the Cubs “Player of the Week” award for each group.

Typically we have 40-60 children ranging from 3 to 14 years old.
They are streamed, by age, into three or four groups depending on numbers;
Nursery <4 yrs
Junior: 4-6yrs
Intermediate: 6 to 9
Senior: > 9 (younger depending on how long they are playing etc.)
It’s all about teaching children the basic skills of Gaelic football, and having some fun!

The Singapore Gaelic Cubs is a voluntary organisation. Parents are encouraged to come along and socialise over a cup of coffee while the children train, and to help out with preparations at before training and clean-up afterward!
Our Sponsors this year will be St. Patrick’s Society Singapore, PES Engineering Pte LTD, Avonmore & PM Group

For further information please feel free to email us on